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Virtual Pros

Dec 30, 2015

YEAR END AWARD SHOW! Who will win the Shinjiro Ohtani Fighting Spirt award? Also Mike discusses his hangups with watching Joshi, and a traumatizing childhood story about Al destroying his Hulk Hogan tanktop.

Dec 16, 2015

First episode of the BIG DAWG ERA! Who is the saddest wrestler in 2015? Why is Onita still at it? What should you buy for the wrestling fan in your life during this holiday season? No Jadakiss here, but just two dudes. Chris Hero fux with us, check the scoreboard.

Dec 2, 2015

Meltzer gave this episode 5 stars. Fantasy booking Breaking Ground, strong style merchandise chat & talks about what we wish we had, Mike shoots on wrestling fans wearing belts to shows, and an interview with the producer & director of THE GREAT SASUKE, Mikiko Sasaski.

Nov 18, 2015

An episode where I almost light Audacity on fire. Mike & I discuss what we're watching this week, the Tenryu retirement show, Breaking Ground, MOST FIRE & TRASH WRESTLING THEME SONGS OF ALL TIME, and a retrospective of one of the best monsters in the game: Michael Awesome. RIP mang.

Nov 4, 2015

An episode about intros, the seedy world of tape trading, Great Sasuke & the AKI engine.